Everyday, there are choices to make on how to spend your time:

Arts & Crafts

Devotional Services

Engaging Activity Programs

Fitness Center

Heritage celebrations


Monthly activity calendar

Planned outings for shopping, events and entertainment

Seasonal festivities

TV Lounge

Schedule Your Personal Tour Today

Please call us today or take a moment to complete this brief form—and let us know if you prefer to visit us in person or virtually. We look forward to seeing you.


Please note, there is at least one positive case of COVID-19 currently associated with the facility.

Illinois Long-term Care Ombudsman Program

SENIOR HELPLINE: 1-800-252-8966 (711 TRS)

HIPAA Policy – The Vistas Fox Valley

PHONE: (630) 898-9400 1599 N Farnsworth Ave, Aurora, Illinois 60505 FAX: (630) 898-9400